Colloquium Muziekwetenschap
Dr. Aleksandra Marković
March 20, 2014, 15:30-17:00
Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, room 3.01
In her recently defended dissertation, entitled Sounding Stereotypes: Construction of Place and Reproduction of Metaphors in the Music of Goran Bregović, Aleksandra Marković explores the labelling of the Balkans in the popular/world music market. Goran Bregović successfully markets his music by tapping into well-known stereotypes about the Balkans, construed over centuries and in various realms as Western Europe’s antipode. A related pillar of his international image, next to the Balkans, is his representation of Roma and his identification with the romanticised image of Gypsies. Through discussing recycling and collage as Bregović’s main compositional techniques, this talk also deals with the musical features of Bregović’s “Balkanised” sound.