Hannah Bosma, University of Amsterdam
Thursday 12 March 15:30-17:00
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, room 3.01
It is very difficult to preserve experimental electronic music and to re-perform it later. The unique software and equipment become obsolete quickly. Knowledge and information are dispersed through interdisciplinary collaboration. Sound and performance are volatile. How to keep this music for future generations? Or is loss essential for this music? What remains?
This lecture presents Hannah Bosma’s research project Preservation as performance: liveness, loss and viability in electroacoustic music (2019-2023). After giving an outline of this project, she will zoom in on her current research at STEIM, studio for electro-instrumental music in Amsterdam since 1969, where Michel Waisvisz developed the Crackle Box and The Hands and numerous international musicians-artists worked on their projects.
Hannah Bosma is a postdoc researcher at the University of Amsterdam for this NWO funded Veni research project. Other projects include MA-courses on Archiving Art (UvA) and on gender, voice and music technology (Kunstuniversität Graz 2017-2019), the conference The Art of Voice Synthesis (UvA 2016) and The Electronic Cry: Voice, gender and electroacoustic music (PhD UvA 2013).