Stephen Amico
February 21, 2013, 15:30-17:00
Universiteitstheater, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, zaal 3.01
How can the connection between musical form and an explicitly corporeal apprehension of and relationship to music be theorized?
Focusing on Russian popular music, and drawing upon the works of
Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Alphonso Lingis, I will begin by offering an
overview of several salient formal attributes of post-Soviet
popsa and related genres which contribute to a relative homogeneity of style, specifically in contrast to “Western” pop.
Thereafter, rather than analyzing such musical forms as
contemporary instances of ideological standardization in service of the
creation of the acquiescent post-Soviet citizen, I will propose that
known and ubiquitous sounds and structures, in the context
of both decades-long discourses of the body, as well as the eradication
of social and ideological foundations, allow for and engender a
formation of an embodied and experiential sense of self and place.